Sunday, December 13, 2009

biomapping the brain

As an undegraduate student I studied biology. I was completely fascinated by the brain and DNA. I even hung my first DNA map on the refridgerator. I was curious what biomapping the brain had to do with reading. After viewing the video of the doctor explaining the difference in the brain waves of this particular student compared with typical peers I understood. The student was hearing sounds and processing them a few seconds later than her peers. This would be very important in an emergency situation not just in reading. A few seconds in a fire for example can determine life or death. I cant imagine hearing a fire alarm and not determining what the noise was for a few seconds. I especially liked the analogy of teaching or retraining the students brain to decode words and sounds more effectively; compared to learning how to play an instrument. I am curious to what the future holds with biomapping. If we can determine the problem and create an effective way to retrain the brain; the amount of effect of a learning disability has on the learner may be decreased.


  1. I am alaso curious as to waht the future holds. It is amazing what new things are also being created, found, or thought of. I like the way the guy siad it was like painting with your toes instead of your hands. Interesting way to look at it.

  2. I want to point out the times are wrong on all my blogs. For example this says I posted at 3:53 AM. It is in fact 6:53 AM. I know what time we post is important.

  3. I noticed the time stamp was wrong as well. I wonder if blogger's website is in a diferent time zone and does not reset to where we are located.

  4. Jenn,
    I think you made some really strong points. I think your knowledge in biology can be really beneficial in special education and learning disabilities. I think you have a good head start on how the brain works. I like how you pointed out the fact that not knowing what sounds mean can be very scarey. I know when I'm in certain situations and don't know what sounds are that are going on around me I get very anxious. I can't imagine that all the time.
